The Land That Continues to Weep

Dr. Kalai Mathee

Once upon a time, the land from Alaska to Florida
Was the land of the brave and free
Who served as the guardian
Of the earth and every sentient being

Then came those in search of freedom from oppression
The ‘comers’ could not afford the same sentiment to those brave and free
The guardians were seen as a lesser being
To be slaughtered, enslaved, and their land seized.

Thus begin the struggles that punctuate
The history of the beautiful land where eagles fly high
Seven hundred years later, the struggles continue.
For those who once roamed this sacred land carefree

Then came the sentiment all who are not white are not fit to live
Not to be respected, and their successes seen as threats
A white lie can quickly become a black disaster
Slaughtering and lynching leading to sanctioned shootings.

This land of brave and free weeps every day
For the day when all sentient beings are seen as one
This land of brave and free weeps every day
Will those brave and free hear her anguished wail?